How To Get Rid Of Painful Corns On Your Feet — And Prevention Tips

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Foot Pain: Why Quick Treatment Matters

I've never been one to call a doctor with minor ailments. While that sounds good on the surface, it can mean that a condition gets so bad that professional treatment becomes necessary. That is why I found myself in the office of a local podiatrist last year. It started with a pain in my right heel. I tried all sorts of over the counter products and nothing helped. When the pain got bad enough to keep me awake at night, I finally sought medical help. After months of suffering, it took nothing more than a minor procedure to take care of the problem. If you have pain in the feet, ankles, legs, or knees, don't waste time trying home remedies. See a podiatrist today. I'm betting that the professional can get rid of your pain quickly and save you weeks of suffering.

How To Get Rid Of Painful Corns On Your Feet — And Prevention Tips

21 July 2018
 Categories: , Blog

A corn on the foot is a hardened area of the skin that can be painful when pressed. It can also make walking or standing painful for your feet depending on where it is located on the foot. Corns usually appear on the toes or on the sides of the feet, and they are caused from wearing poorly fitting shoes or from friction. Read on for tips to help get rid of corns, and learn how to prevent them from returning.

Getting Rid of Corns

It may be tempting to use the nail clippers to try to clip the corn off, but this can be very painful and may lead to an infection in your foot. Instead, soak your feet in warm water, and use a pumice stone to gently exfoliate the skin. You can also use a foot file to exfoliate the skin as well. Pat your feet dry and then apply a thick moisturizer to the entire foot. This can help to heal the corn and also soften your feet. 

Use a corn removing pad to cover the corn, which will aid in healing and removing the corn. You can find corn removing pads at your local pharmacy or big box store. Follow the manufacturer's instructions on how often you need to change the pad and other instructions for use.

Allow the corn removing pad to remove the corn; don't try to pick at the corn or remove it yourself. When it eventually comes off, your foot may have a small indentation, which will heal on its own. Continue to soak your feet, exfoliate, and use a moisturizer to keep the feet soft and to heal your feet.

Preventing Corns 

Corns and calluses can be caused by wearing shoes that do not fit you properly. They can also be caused by rubbing or friction, which may happen if your shoes are too big or there is too much wiggle room for your feet. Prevent corns by:

  • Wearing shoes that fit your feet properly. If you need wide shoes, shop for wide shoes. If you need narrow shoes, look for a narrow size. If they don't fit your feet, don't wear the shoes.
  • Wear socks that are breathable and that wick sweat away from your feet. If your feet are sweaty, it may cause more friction for your feet. Be sure to also change your socks often if your feet sweat a lot, even with breathable socks.
  • Keep heels low (no more than 2 inches) to prevent the toes from being pushed into the top of the shoe, which can lead to corns or calluses on the tops of the toes.

If you have corns on your feet, be sure to change the shoes you're wearing often, as this may be the cause of the problem. Heal your feet by following the tips above. If you aren't able to heal the corns on your own, make an appointment with a podiatrist, like those at Advanced Foot Clinic, for help.